Webinar 1: Carbon capture on solid recovered fuels – Insights for the Waste-to-Energy sector

Advanced waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies and the energy-efficient use of alternative fuels are getting more and more important globally. Reliable fuel quality is crucial for the sustainable use of alternative fuels in existing and new WtE applications.
This webinar explored the increasing role of standardised solid recovered fuels (SRF) in reducing CO2 emissions from co-incineration-processes – such as cement and lime kilns and power plants – and supporting chemical recycling (i.e. gasification and pyrolysis) as well as the development of new technologies, including oxyfuel, etc.
Our speakers also presented results from the NEWEST CCUS project on oxy-CFB combustion of SRF at pilot scale. Studies have focused on the implications of temperature and inlet O2 concentration on key process aspects, such as the formation of pollutants and reactor hydrodynamics. The influence of the aforementioned variables on corrosive depositions was also discussed.
The one-hour event included a Q&A.
- Welcome and project overview – Mario Ditaranto (Chair), SINTEF Energy Research
- SRF production by REMONDIS and SRF standardisation – Thomas Glorius, REMONDIS
- Oxy-fuel combustion of solid recovered fuel at the IFK’s 200 kW circulating fluidized bed facility – Joseba Moreno, University of Stuttgart
- Panel Q&A